2018秋季班第十二週美地展 第一期 蔡柏霖姊妹 Pour out upon the Lord

Pour out upon the Lord

At the beginning of the training, I have been looking forward to the English intensified class, because I want to be perfected with those difficult spiritual vocabularies. However, I became a TA in the Victory class and I was a little frustrated. I’ve been asking the Lord Jesus, in what aspect should I be perfected. And during the class, we sang a hymn “The Goal of the Gospel.” The definition of the goal of the gospel is that loving the Lord Jesus with the first love. It said that we should pour out upon Him, even our most costly and valuable spiritual treasure. If it were not for Him and for His body, all these costly spiritual treasure would mean nothing. Thank God for what He has perfected me, to be revealed what I should pour out myself. The meaning of the goal of the gospel is to pour my everything for my Lord Jesus and His body!

《第一期 蔡栢霖姊妹》