2015春季班第五週美地展 第二期 傅麥瑋弟兄 我們必須對抗亞瑪力人

我們必須對抗亞瑪力人We need to fight against the Amalek



I was touched by the message 8.This message was given by brother Ron and very weighty for all of us.After the children of Israel have received the heavenly life supply and living water from cleft rock,we are ready to fight against Amalek.We should realize that Amalek is always with us.The way to fight against Amalek is to pray and apply the cross of Christ.

Once our prayer ceases,our flesh would spontaneously show itself to be the same as those unbelievers.No matter how rich our spiritual experience may be,this experience will not cause our flesh to improve.Hence,we need to pray without ceasing. Whatever the good things or evil things we do,if it is apart from grace,it will be the flesh.Only if we deal with our flesh thoroughly,God’s kingdom would come.

《第二期 傅麥瑋弟兄》